Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday, February 28, 1876

Feb. 28th & 29th.  Seeking opportunities for Gospel talks, and paving the way with other talk such as suits the person.  (Everybody has a hobby.)  We had more talk with Barnes and were reading to the Chittenden family.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday, February 27, 1876

Sunday, Feb. 27th.  We had a meeting at Chittenden's.  The Mayberry's cam four miles to join in the meeting.  Brother Mayberry spoke fifteen minutes.  Brother Cluff read two selections.  I talked forty minutes.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Saturday, February 26, 1876

Feb. 26th.  I am not well, sleep poorly and fight fleas and bedbugs.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Friday, February 25, 1876

Feb. 25th.  We had a talk with the druggist on the Gospel.  As is often the case, he wants to know about polygamy.  It reminds me of a statement by a returned missionary from England who said he soon found out that the first two principles of our religion were Polygamy and Tithing.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday, February 24, 1876

Fe. 24th.  A letter came from Brother Steed who is in New Zealand.  He is working very zealously in the good cause but making no converts.  How hard it is to talk down prejudice and falsehood and convince and convert the people.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wednesday, February 23, 1876

Feb. 23rd, 1876.  We had a favorable talk with Mr. Davis, a tollkeeper and blacksmith, who wishes to hear lectures.  We try to get permission to use the Tyranna Church but are refused.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday, February 22, 1876

Feb. 22nd.  We had a Gospel talk with a Mr. Barnes and another with Mr. Tilley in which I devoted some time in detail upon the principles of the Gospel and invited him to join in its blessings.  He gave us credit for doing our full duty in warning and instructing him, but he is not ready to accept.  Returning, we had another talk with Barnes.  He is favorable

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday, February 21, 1876

Feb. 21st.  We spent some time in Goulburn seeking Gospel conversations, then went to Tyranna again and read to the Chittendens.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday, February 20, 1876

Feb. 20th.  We went to Goulburn and had a family meeting and visit with the Mayberry family, preparing them for baptism.  In the evening, we walking two and a half miles to the Mulwara River and I rebaptized Brother and Sister Mayberry and baptized Lester, 19; James, 17; Harriet, 15; Peter, 13; Ruth, 12; and John, 10 years old.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Friday, February 18, 1876

Feb. 18th.  We held four Gospel conversations.  Next day we had three Gospel talks.  I wrote a letter to Welling.

Thursday, February 17, 1876

Feb. 17th.  We had letters from the two Mayberry daughters who are working out.  They were pleased with the meeting and conversations Sunday and are anxious for more Gospel talks and baptism.

Wednesday, February 16, 1876

Feb. 16th.  I had a letter from Job Welling.  Hoagland is doing well.  Mrs. Stenhouse is raising some excitement.  Some people who have been investigating are losing interest.  He sent regards from the Saints.

Tuesday, February 15, 1876

Feb. 15th.  I am studying Daniel's visions and writing an essay on science and religion, showing that  they should agree; that the geologist should so understand as soon as he applies Peter's explanation; "One day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day", on which computation of time, the Lord said to Adam.  "In the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt shall surely die.."  Mr. Carter, a Chittenden son-in-law, refuses to let his wife or children come to her father's house because Latter-day Saint Elders are there.  One of his boarders thought we should be driven into the river.

Monday, February 14, 1876

Feb. 14th.  Valentine's Day.  After wrestling with fleas and mosquitos until 3:00 A.M. I then had a little restless sleep.  This morning I spent studying, and conversing on religion and the Book of Mormon, history and geography, etc. It is very hot.  This evening we walked through the Bush to Tyranna.

Sunday, February 13, 1876

Sunday, Feb. 13th.  Afternoon meeting was held at T. Mayberry's.  The Chittendens, Griffins and a few others were present.  We had singing, then prayer by Brother Cluff, then more singing.  I talked about forty minutes; D. Cluff, five; T. Mayberry a few.  His feelings were so tender he could hardly talk and brought others to tears.  I then took a few minutes explaining the first principles suited to the young members of the families.  After supper with Mrs. Griffin, I joined D. Cluff and Sister Mayberry in escorting her oldest daughter to where she works for a minister's wife, two miles, where she has been hearing his Gospel views.  I explained a number of questions she asked, and, before parting, she said she had been undecided, but now after the meeting and this further talk, she was ready for baptism.

Friday, February 11, 1876

Feb. 11th & 12th.  Besides making some calls, we were reading to the Chittenden family as the parents do not read.

Thursday, February 10, 1876

Feb. 10th.  I am no better.  I had a sponge bath last night and this morning and anointed me with oil.  I finished writing letters home and went to Goulburn where I found letters from home.  I have just time to acknowledge same before mailing.  All is well at home ever since I left, for which I am very thankful.  Father writes me a very kind letter, asks God's blessing over me and my labors.  George Q. Cannon is in Congress where there is the usual howl against Utah and the Mormons.  Crops are light, the season is dry.  Friends are anxious to hear my letters and are praying for me and sending regards.  My little boy, Danny, is talking of me every day.  One morning, feeling bad, he said: "I wish I had two Pas and they had sent the other."  After reading the letters, I start writing a reply to Father's; write to my uncle, Henry W. Miller; a separate piece to each of my family; and send twenty-two pages in all.  We did some visiting and stayed overnight with the Mayberrys.

Wednesday, February 9, 1876

Feb. 9th.  I had no sleep until two or three this morning and then but poorly.  I am not well.  God grant I may feel better in body and spirit.  I am writing letters home.

Tuesday, February 8, 1876

Feb. 8th.  The day was spent at Mayberry's with some Gospel talk.  Watching for mail, but it has not arrived yet.  For some cause I have been very dull in spirit the last few days.  I hope it is from no other cause than that we are slow in getting among the people and that my diet, which is poor and dry, is not suited to my stomach.  I am eating but little.  My blood and flesh are diminishing and my lungs are poorly fed.

Monday, February 7, 1876

Feb. 7th.  I wrote to President Groo, in which I explained how these families, Chittendens and Mayberrys had been drifting about through the Australian Bush for seventeen years unable to migrate, yet had kept the Gospel spirit burning in their bosoms and were yet looking for a time when the voice of Elders and deliverance would reach them!  They are anxious to migrate and propose to save to that end, with all the economy and labor possible.

Sunday, February 6, 1876

Sunday, Feb. 6th.  This morning we visited Mrs. Gardner, a daughter of  Chittenden's, and find her a Latter-day Saint at heart.  Her husband was not home.  They have six children.  We were introduced to Mr. Bradley and conversed with him an hour and a half on religion, politics and sundries.  He is a Canadian.  I loaned him "Answers to Questions".  In the afternoon we met an appointment at Mayberry's with Carolyn, Louise, and Hyrum Chittenden accompanying us.  We did not have a family meeting as I had wished.  We returned to Chittenden's.

Thursday, February 3, 1876

Feb. 3rd, 4th, and 5th, we spent with the two families.  I wrote letters to Welling and Swan.

Wednesday, February 2, 1876

Feb. 2nd.  We spent the day with Mr. Tilley, gardener for the Gibson's; who own an estate, said to contain 85,000 acres of farm, pasture and timber.  We spent several hours, very agreeably, where we were shown through the garden and orchard of 25 acres with several houses.  We saw trees and flowers unknown to me before.  Opossums and birds are very destructive here.   We had a letter of introduction to Tilley with a request to talk the Gospel, but he said he was not open to conviction; his influence would be against us and not for us; but he would say we had done our part in offering the Gospel to him, which, I told him, is all we asked.

Tuesday, February 1, 1876

Feb. 1st, 1876.  Had a bath and swim in the Mulwara Creek or River as it is called; the first swim since I left home.  In the afternoon we went in the Bush and helped get a load of wood for a change.  In the evening, we read to the family from the "Voice of Warning", and had a Gospel talk.