Saturday, June 12th, was a day long to be remembered. My family, except my oldest son, had gone to visit relatives in Ogden. At 9:00 P.M. Brother Thomas Steed called and presented me with the following letter:
Elder Jacob Miller:
Dear Brother:
I am instructed by President Brigham Young to hereby inform you that you are selected to go on a mission to Australia to start on Wednesday next, 16 inst., and to call at your earliest convenience, at the Historian's Office, to be recorded and set apart for your mission. Trusting you can handily be ready to start at the above named time and the foregoing will prove very acceptable to you, I am your brother in the Gospel,
(signed) Albert Carrington.
At the time of this call my father was on the sheep island in charge of shearing sheep. Bishop J. W. Hess was in Weber Valley and my folks in Ogden. Brother Steed informed that I was to state at once whether I could go or not. After a few questions and conversation I told him to say that I would be ready.
I had so many things, private and public, in hand, that I could hardly see my way, and, after visiting with the Bishop's Counselor, Arthur Staynor, and reporting and retiring late, I could not sleep. So I arose and made the following notes of matters that must be arranged before I go:
1. Settle with Parley P. Pratt as I was agent for his father's history.
2. Settle with the Temple Fund as I was collecting and accounting for it.
3. Settle with the F.C.M.I., public and private, where I was Secretary and Treasurer and had an account.
4. Settle with Farmington C0-operative Company for which I was also Secretary and Treasurer.
5. Settle with Davis County Schools. I was Co-Superintendent and had funds in hand and reports to make.
6. Settle with Timothy B. Clark for coal and other accounts.
7. Settle with Wm. K. Rice for school accounts due.
8. Collect balance for school teaching and some other items.
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