Sunday July 4th. Independence Day. We are passing the Welsh coast and see some nice villages. We reach Liverpool at 3:00 P.M., leave the vessel at 4:15, after passing excise officers. A large forest of masts is in the dock.
We are made welcome at 42 Islington - L.D.S. headquarters. Joseph F. Smith is in charge. The Millenial Star is published here. At evening meeting 38 are present. President Joseph F. Smith introduced us and we talked in turn - Brothers Welling, Steed and I, followed by Joseph F. giving many scripture quotations supporting the establishing of the Gospel and the coming of Christ. "In the resurrection there is neither marrying nor giving in marriage because this is an earthly ordinance. He that worships with his lips and not with his heart will receive the sad verdict; "Depart". He quoted Job. "There is a spirit in man and the spirit of God giveth it understanding." He said, "That is what we call conscience. The coming of the Son of Man is close at hand and this Gospel must first be preached to every tongue and people". After meeting we were introduced to several, among them, Ernest I. Young, Wm. B. Barton, E. Hanham, J.H. Burrows, J.H. Parry, who are working in the office, doing street preaching and meeting various appointments.
Their arrival was noted in the Millenial Star, page 426, volume 37.
ReplyDeleteARRIVALS. - On yesterday, July 4th, Elders Job Welling, Thomas Steed and Jacob Miller arrived at Liverpool per steamship Manhattan, Guion Line, enjoying good health and an excellent flow of spirits. They are on their way to Australia, having been called in Zion on missions to that distant clime.
Elders Welling and Steed travel this route in order to visit relatives and friends in England, Elder Miller in courtesy accompanying them. We say WELCOME, to these men of God !