Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday, January 9, 1876

Sunday, Jan. 9th.  At the afternoon meeting, President Groo read his letter of appointment as President of the Mission and was sustained as such.  He then stated that he had chosen David Cuff and Mark Croxall as his counselors and asked that they be thus sustained, which was done.  Then came the usual testimonies, in which I joined.

At the evening meeting, at the request of President Groo, I occupied most of the time.  I spoke of the earnestness and understanding with which we should worship our Heavenly Father, in whose image we are, and who has so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son in the flesh that, by obedience to the principles and ordinances of the Gospel, we can be saved and exalted in His presence.  These principles are: first. faith; second, repentance; third baptism by immersion by one having authority for the remission of sin; fourth, laying on of hands by one having authority for the reception of the Holy Ghost, which is to lead us into all truth and show us things to come and bring the past to our remembrance..

The fruits of the Gospel are: peace, love, charity, chastity, and observing the two great commandments of the Savior; first, Love the Lord with all thy might, mind and strength; second, Love thy neighbor as thyself.  These commandments, followed by all, would undo the necessity for bolts and locks and implements of death with which all the nations of Christendom are arming themselves for each other's destruction.  They would also have a tendency to usher in a millenium of peace and prepare the world and its inhabitants for the second coming of Christ.

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