Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunday, November 21, 1875

Sunday, Nov. 21st. With a prayerful, though heavy heart I joined the 3:00 P.M. Sacrament Meeting. About 20 strangers were present of whom five rough-looking men in every day clothes and shirt sleeves rolled to the elbow took the front seat. Testimonies were made first in order. Brothers Speight, Platt, Peg, and Sister Peg each bore a strong testimony. Brother Speight mentioned my coming all the way from Utah with out purse and script to preach the Gospel. One of he five asked, "How are his expenses met?" He replied, "I will answer when through talking. I never reply to an interruption."

I followed with a half hour talk on the Gospel, during which a younger one of the five began interrupting and urging the others to speak up. I told him we had hired the hall and were entitled to the protection of the law and must not be interrupted. They could listen or retire. I proceeded and soon they began interrupting again and were asked to leave the room. The latter interrupter said, with an oath, he would go and two others followed. Pausing at the door, he said, with more profanity: "You are all a set of G.D. hypocrites, and as for you, " shaking his fist at me, "I will take care that your G.D. back is broken, sir." With a wave of my hand I said, "Pass on out," and they did. I felt a chill as if ice-cold water had been poured over me. I rallied, and with the remark that it was not uncommon for our Elders to be thus interrupted while offering the Gospel of Salvation to the people, I continued my discourse without further interruption.

At the 7:00 P.M. meeting after opening exercises and introduction by President Nichols, I addressed the audience. I took my text from Daniel 2:37 to 49. There was good attention. Mr. Ellis, former Branch President, now a Josephite, and Bennet, wife and son, formerly of our Church, were present. After the meeting, there was some conversation and distribution of tracts. Among the number was an old ship captain who would sail in the morning, who wanted conversation and reading matter, and got both. I returned to my room feeling that the ICE WAS BROKEN and that MY BACK WAS NOT. Brother Peg complimented me by saying he had listened many times to my subject but had never heard it so well handled before. And I thanked the Lord.

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