Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wednesday, November 10, 1875


Nov. 10th. I wrote to President Welling, informing him so far as I can of the situation here and sending an inventory of tracts and books, and clippings of the Stenhouse Lectures and of the excitement they caused. Editor Stockwhip says: "Until we heard Mrs. Stenhouse's interesting lecture on Mormon marriages, we thought we had a fairly adequate conception of human folly and fanaticism, but that lady, by her graphic discription of Mormon life and doctrine, has shown us that below the lowest depth that our plummet had sounded, there lies in Utah an almost fathomless of pit of mental and moral degredation. If but one hundreth part of what she describes as daily occurrences at Utah were facts, the public of this colony owe a large debt of gratitude to this eloquent and courageous lady. Every statement made by Mrs. Stenhouse has the genuine ring of truthfulness. She concluded by saying she found Mormonism as preached abroad, was a very different and very harmless thing as compared with Mormonism as practiced in Utah. She wished to forewarn and forearm the public of Australia against the preachings and machinations of the Mormon Elders that were sent from Utah to make converts in these colonies, and who we believe have actually arrived in our midst".

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